Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Perakite Daily™: Hamidah semakin kurang sokongan daripada Cina

Perakite Daily™: Hamidah semakin kurang sokongan daripada Cina: SUNGAI RAPAT: PAS Kawasan Gopeng telah berjaya menganjurkan program ramah mesra bersama kaum tionghua hasil kerjasama dengan Dewan Himp...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bishop Paul Tan supports BERSIH 3.0 - 21 May 2012

RK Anand
| May 21, 2012
Backing the call for free and fair elections, Bishop Paul Tan however urges top political leaders to refrain from angry rhetoric and inflammatory attacks.
PETALING JAYA: Amidst the raging controversy surrounding its mammoth April 28 street protest, a respected Catholic leader has lent his support for electoral watchdog Bersih.
Speaking to FMT, Bishop Paul Tan said he “applauded the goal” of Bersih that the upcoming election be free and fairly conducted and that the movement stayed free of political interference.
He also urged Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat leaders to refrain from intemperate rhetoric as their respective supporters seemed only too eager to take matters to outrageous excess.
The 72-year-old head of the Catholic Church in the Malacca-Johor diocese also expressed deep concern at the tenor of recent incidents that had marred the national political scene.
“We understand that the approaching general election is a critical one but that is no excuse for contestants to take leave of their senses and otherwise compose ourselves like this is a fight unto death,” he said.
Tan warned that Malaysia’s justified reputation for peaceful living among her diverse citizens was in danger of “disruptions by a manipulative and malign few adept at covering their trails after they have committed their mischief”.
“Random evaluation of eyewitness accounts of incidents at the protest and the subsequent behaviour of people aligned to one or the other side of the national argument are enough to suggest the gravity of the responsibility that resides with the principal leaders of the competing coalitions.
“Unless these leaders refrain from stridency and intemperance in their rhetoric, supporters and followers would take matters beyond the bounds of what is considered permissible conduct,” he added.
Tan, who is also president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, declined to be specific, saying that it would not be right for him to do so.
“For that would tip my hand as to whose conduct I’m castigating which I rather not do because as a Christian religious leader, I must avoid being a partisan in political battles,” he said.
‘Mistaken rather than malignant’
However, the bishop emphasised on the critical founts of civil conduct, whose deportment, he said, was crucial to the staging of a peaceful general election.
“I will confine myself to a general appeal to the principal political leaders to refrain from intemperate attacks because rabid supporters would then take matters to outrageous excess,” he added.
Tan also pointed out that the underlying premise of democratic discourse was the presumption that one’s opponent was mistaken rather than malignant.
“This is what makes for the civility of democratic exchange.
“But when one attributes evil intentions and malign motives to one’s opponents, the discourse descends to intemperance and outrage pretty quickly and supporters take the cue and make matters worse,” he said.
Reiterating his appeal that top political leaders refrain from intemperate attacks and inflammatory rhetoric, the bishop said:
“Because it appears that either side cannot abide the notion of defeat which is contrary to the ethos of democratic combat which accepts that the winner takes power peacefully and the loser is unmolested unless he or she has plainly broken the laws.”
Ambiga: It means a lot to us
Meanwhile, Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga expressed gratitude for the bishop’s endorsement.
“I welcome the remarks of Bishop Paul, an intellectual who speaks without fear or favour. His advice is timely and his wisdom faultless.
“That he applauds Bersih’s goal means a lot to us,” she told FMT.
The Bersih protest which was initiated as a peaceful gathering turned violent when the protesters breached the barricades at Dataran Merdeka, leading the police to fire tear gas and water cannons.
Until late in the evening, the city centre was enveloped in chaos as protesters clashed with the police, resulting in many being injured.
In the ensuing blame game, the authorities accused the opposition of deliberately instigating violence in order to recreate an Arab spring here with the aim of toppling the government.
The opposition and Bersih, however, alleged that it was the police which had used excessive violence.
Speaking in Washington yesterday, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said Bersih was hijacked by certain quarters to create the perception of instability in the country.
While the government had set up an independent panel to probe the allegation of police brutality during the protest, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein issued a stern warning that all those responsible would be brought to justice.
Critics had constantly accused BN of indulging in electoral fraud and the Election Commission of abetting the ruling coalition.
But BN leaders argued that the opposition’s electoral gains in the 2008 polls was testimony to the independence of the electoral process.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Anwar Ibrahim Nationwide Tour: Seremban 04/01/2012 (Pt 1/5)

Warkah ku kepada mu, Jan.2012

Ke mana kini mereka? (Yg Terlibat dlm perbicaraan kes Fitnah DSAI-1)

Jumaat, 30 Disember 2011

SEMALAM kita dapat berita, seorang Hakim bernama Ariffin Jaka telah meninggal dunia.  Ertinya, tiada sesiapa pun boleh menungkat langit dan berlagak sombong semasa di dunia ini. 
Ariffin Jaka kini telah mengadap Allah S.W.T yang telah menciptanya, sebagaimana semua makhluk di dunia dan yang berada di mana-mana planet cakrawala sekalipun semuanya Allah yang menjadikannya.  Bezanya, sebagai seorang manusia wajib kita diadili oleh Allah S.W.T di Akhir Zaman nanti.  Bahkan, sewaktu kita hampir-hampir hujung nyawa (Nazak) pun kita telah diberi bayangan oleh Allah S.W.T ke mana kita akan di tempatkan nanti.

Walaupun tiga kali pertuduhan dipinda, keterangan Azizan Abu Bakar dikatakan kukuh `sekukuh Gunung Gibralta"
Ariffin Jaka kini sedang diadili di alam Barzakh.  Jika sewaktu beliau bernyawa, beliau adalah Hakim yang sering disebut `Yang Arif'.  Beliau terkenal dan `glamour' apabila beliau terlibat di dalam perbicaraan fitnah 1 DS Anwar Ibrahim.  Sebelum itu, Mokhtar Abdullah Peguam Negara yang banyak berfungsi di dalam kes yang sama telah menemui ajalnya.  Hakim Augustine Paul juga begitu.  Masing-masing kini sedang diadili kecuali Augustine Paul sebab beliau bukan Islam dan tidak perlu lagi kepada pengadilan Allah kerana tempat bagi orang-orang Kafir sudah ditetapkan.
Mokhtar Abdullah mati di dalam keadaan koma, Penulis Buku Fitnah '10 Dalil Anwar Tidak Boleh Jadi PM" iaitu Khalid Jafri juga koma sebelum mati.  Buku itu menjadi asas kes Fitnah 1 DS Anwar.  Dr Qristina yang menjadi salah seorang saksi Pendakwa juga mati. 
Ariffin Jaka dan kita semua akan melihat sendiri bagaimana keadilan Allah terhadap kita apabila kita dikumpulkan di Padang Mahsyar.  Pada ketika itu, kita akan melihat sendiri adakah para-para Hakim `Yang Arif' serta Peguam-Peguam yang hebat ini mampu berhujah atau memutarbelit di hadapan Rabbul Jalil? 

Kepada Hakim yang sedang mengadili kes Fitnah II DS Anwar sekarang seharusnya muhasabah diri dengan menjadikan kematian Ariffin Jaka ini sebagai iktibar.  Begitu juga pihak Pendakwa dan Peguam Negara sekarang.  Jangan fikir kita mahu menungkat langit sehingga bila-bila.  Seandainya diberi peluang, Peguam Mokhtar Abdullah, Khalid Jafri, Dr Qristina dan Ariffin Jaka bahkan semua yang telah menemui Maha Penciptanya mahu diberi peluang kembali untuk hidup semula agar dapat melakukan amal ibadat yang banyak kepada Allah dan tidak akan berlaku zalim lagi.  Tapi, apakan daya.../

Dicatat oleh WFAUZDIN NS di 1:00 PTG